Working during college can be challenging, but it can offer advantages. If you consider working while going to school, you can maximize that time by thinking beyond classic part-time positions like waiting tables or working at a cash register. College campuses and their surrounding communities offer various work options that can yield more than just extra cash earrings. Consider your major field. If you want to pursue a career in health care, part-time work as an AMT or hospital worker could help supplement your studies by providing the hands-on-vocational experience.
Pros of working part-time
Working part-time can help students pay for personal expenses, supplement financial aid and gain valuable work experience. On top of that, recent research shows those who do work have higher earnings later in their careers. Other than that, other benefits of working part-time include:
Gain valuable job experience
Having work experience, especially in a field related to your studies, can help you become much more competitive once you’re ready to enter a full-time job after college.
Learn management skills
Part-time jobs can help you learn how to deal with people at work and will teach you to manage your time effectively, which can help you in your classes and work.
Gain team member benefits
Many companies offer benefits such as 401(k), health insurance, and tuition assistance to many part-time workers from college.
How to search for the right job for college students
Whether you are looking for a summer internship or trying to land a position post-graduation, searching for a job can be overwhelming and exhausting if you don’t know what you should do. The right way to find a job is to treat it as a class. Using your studying, preparation, and time management skills, you can ace your job hunt while still trying to earn your diploma.
Do thorough research and planning
When beginning your job search, first determine what your passion points are and then research the associated companies and brands that fit in with your interest. You can make a list of these businesses and narrow them down according to your priorities such as wage, opportunities, mentorship and work-life balance. In this era, it is crucial to be open to diverse opportunities which can include internships, freelancing, remote work and contracts.
Use your career services
As a college student, you should be well acquainted with the multitude of services offered by your school’s career center. But before that, you should cultivate relationships with professors throughout your degree and keep in touch with fellow students who might have found a job before you or connect with past graduates from your college. Once you establish these relationships, you can easily move towards typical college services such as running the college newsletter, internships, job leads and teacher assistance. Your college network is the first step to head inside the job market.