Although the business models of giant companies are different, they have always been on the same page through unionization. Perhaps some of the best examples are companies like Starbucks, Amazon, and Microsoft. For years, these giant companies have been working in sync with unanimously agreed-upon terms and conditions.
Nevertheless, a recent advancement shows that perhaps this is the time for Microsoft to take a distinct initiative from Amazon and Starbucks. Both Amazon and Starbucks have made it clear that they do not support unionization among their employees. And they are better off with their labor organization initiatives.
Microsoft, on the hand, hints that not only do they need unionization for organized labor among their employees. Instead, they think that unionization has a lot of lessons to teach the tech giant. “We have learned a lot,” said Brad Smith, the president of Microsoft, hinting at the unionization. “Microsoft believes that a lot lies ahead to learn (from unionization.)” He went on to say that Microsoft is setting up new policies. “We are setting up a set of new policies. These principles will be advocating the interests and objectives of Microsoft.”
Microsoft Sets Out an “Open Door Policy” For Organized Labor
Brad Smith, the president of Microsoft, laid out a detailed blog about the “new policies” of Microsoft. He kicks off by saying that Microsft has communicated with the industry leaders and employees about unionization. “Microsoft has come to the conclusion that a brand new set of policies are the crying need of the day,” Smith writes in his detailed blog. “For organized labor, we have set out three key principles.” the principles state that all Microsft employees have the legal right to structure a union.
Microsoft will maintain an active engagement with all of its employees - whether or not they are a part of a union.
The tech giant will continue its collaboration with the labor union and will “thoroughly consider” the proposals for unionization.
Nevertheless, it is pertinent to mention here that unionization of labor has been a growing concern of many giant companies throughout the country. Employees of different giant companies like Starbucks and Amazon have sprung their unionization movements. Consequently, this has made them worried as most of them see it as a potential risk for their labor organization. Thus, Amazon and Starbucks have made it clear that they are better off without a labor union.
But Microsoft - as the leading tech company in the country - takes a different approach by supporting unionization. Not only does the giant tech giant believe that unionization is essential for organized labor, but it also hopes that there is a lot to learn from labor unions in the coming years.