Walmart, the superstore where they sell everything you could ever want, and anyone is welcome. When they say anyone is welcome, they mean anyone. This is why you find some of the weirdest people in America shopping at the iconic retailer.

Over and above that, people also do some weird and wacky things, and luckily for us, there were photographers on hand to capture some of the antics. Here we take a look at the weirdest outfits and strangest things people have done in Walmart and try to make sense of why these things happened.

How To Go About Your Cereals Shopping

The moral of the story, if you eat Apple Jacks, you’ll be as smoldering hot as this model… just kidding. But this is a model, and, judging by the fact that she’s doing a shoot at Walmart, indicates that she hasn’t quite made it big yet.

This could actually be a shoot for her portfolio, which she needs to join an agency. Maybe once she joins one, she’ll land a gig in the Walmart clothing catalog one day. If she were smart, she would have bought one of the retailer’s portable photo studios, including a background screen, lights, flashes, reflectors, and shades for outdoor shoots.

Did Halloween Come Early?

Now we know Walmart attracts many strange customers, a lot of whom will be featured in this story. But this couple takes one of the big cakes. They’re wearing so many accessories they may as well be the accessory section of this Walmart store. Perhaps Halloween came early for them.

It already looks like they’ve bought out that entire section, which leads us to another question: If they were to wear some of the store’s items, would security be able to stop them. It would be hard to differentiate between which chains, pearls, and bracelets are theirs and what belongs in the store. But we’re sure they don’t go to stores to shoplift.

Dressed To Kill

No matter how weird or wonderful they look, we’re pretty certain that every customer coming to Walmart always plans to look their best. Some of them actually pull it off in a “normal” fashion, like the lady in the picture, whose only flaw is that her dress might be a little tiny.

Her man friend doesn’t seem to mind her flaunting it a bit. As a matter of fact, judging by his sugar daddy look, he probably encourages it, considering what it does for his status. We’re not sure where she got her garment, but those shoes are available from Walmart.

Eat Your Veggies And Train Hard To Age Well

If you want to look this good when you’re older, you’ll need to do a lot more than following Hulk Hogan’s advice of taking your vitamins and saying your prayers. For starters, you need to shop like she shops, in the vegetable aisle.

Walmart stocks up to 1,600 different organic products, making healthy eating easier. But to really get her gym bod, you can pick up an array of different gym products. These include mats, weights, benches, and even exercise bikes and treadmills. You can also pick up various multivitamins as well. But you’ll need to do your prayers on your own.